What did I learn?
The first question is just an overall rating, with ITV scoring on average an 8/10. I then divided up the opinions into separate elements to better understand the reasoning behind the score given, as well as take the best elements of the site and use them in my own one.
The first was the use of images and ITV scored pretty highly in general. Speaking to people who took the survey, the main cause for concern was the use of the large images at the top which people found distracting. On the whole however, people thought the scale and use of images was pretty good.
The use of text and font was scored very highly, people saying that it was easy to read and clear. I hope to employ the same use of fonts and text in my design, sans-serif and clean.
Colour was also rated highly, people responding well to the light and vibrant accent colours. With much of the page ebing white, people were able to focus and read text much easier than when it was dark. This is something I plan on using in my website.
The last was the use of content. This is where ITV slip up and lose marks, scoring very low. The content simply wasn't there on the most part.Very few images, no schedule, no video, little text to read. This is something I hope to rectify on my website, by effectively using content to keep the user interested.
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